Brain Matters Conference Call for Papers


2011 Annual Meeting of the Religious Education Association

(An Association of Professors, Practitioners, and Researchers in Religious Education)

November 4-6, 2011

Hilton Toronto Airport Hotel & Suites, Toronto, ON.

THEME:  Brain Matters:  Neuroscience, Creativity, and Diversity

From President-Elect and Program Chair Dean Blevins:

Ten years after the original “Decade of the Brain,” new insights in biology, neuroscience, and brain studies continue to inform and at times confound our understandings of cognition, creativity, and educational practice.  Within this growing body of social and scientific discovery, theologians, philosophers, and neuroscientists, along with educators, counselors, and religious practitioners face a myriad of questions around the relationship between religious experience and cognitive neuroscience.  This annual meeting will provide an opportunity for diverse engagement in exploring this relationship both in formal education strategies and in formational practice.  The association welcomes proposals for research papers, colloquia, and workshops that address such questions as:

● How will insights in neuroscience shape our future understanding of God, personhood, religious experience, belief formation, pluralism, and interreligious dialogue?

● How does neuroscience influence educational practice, fostering both creativity and stable environments for learning in higher education and community formation?

● How might neuroscience shape basic models of pedagogy and spiritual formation in the shaping of religious and moral character?

● How do we identify and overcome early “neuro-myths” perpetuated by incomplete or inaccurate views of brain based learning?  What models can we trust?

● What are the implications of diverse yet scientifically based modes of cognition including studies in temperament and multiple intelligences?

● How might neuroscience influence the religious expressions of different traditions, age groups, cultures, ethnicities, genders, socio-economic groups, nationalities, and sexual orientations, creating a broader place for public discourse between science and religion and overcoming the impasse between then within some religious traditions?

1 thought on “Brain Matters Conference Call for Papers”

  1. Hello,
    I am an Assistant Professor on religious education in Uludag University Faculty of Theology in Turkey. I have researches on “Child and His Religious Curiosities” and “Human Being and Psychology in the Qur’an”. I could present these topics there. Could you invite me for a symposium there?
    Best reagrds,
    Mehmet SANVER
    Bursa / TURKEY

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