
Brain Matters Conference Call for Papers

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: 2 MAY 2011 2011 Annual Meeting of the Religious Education Association (An Association of Professors, Practitioners, and Researchers in Religious Education) November 4-6, 2011 Hilton Toronto Airport Hotel & Suites, Toronto, ON. THEME:  Brain Matters:  Neuroscience, Creativity, and Diversity From President-Elect and Program Chair Dean Blevins: Ten years after the original “Decade

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Business meeting agenda

Here is the agenda for Tuesday afternoon’s business meeting, which will take place towards the second half of Plenary #6 (click on the links to see the documents): I. Flowing Forward: generating possibilities from earlier Tuesday sessions II. Review and approve minutes from 2009 Business Meeting III. Budget Report and Vote (see Proposed 2011 Budget)

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And… we're off!

The meeting started with a short video meditation (which we’ll post later, when we have time to upload the whole thing). Our first plenary was TVbyGirls, represented by Rebecca Bullen, Molly Nemer, and Rachel Quednau. They showed clips of their film Undercover, and a panel composed of Claire Bischoff, Evelyn Parker, and Joyce Mercer responded.

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Preparing for Denver

One fun way to begin to get ready for our meeting in Denver might be to watch some digital short stories created by local residents. You could meet Carlos Fresquez, for example: or listen to Tim Roessler tell a story about building a high rise: or you might enjoy hearing from Karen Nakandakre about the

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Nominations slate

These are the candidates being proposed by the Nominations Committee. If you would like to nominate another person for any of the positions, please ascertain his/her willingness to serve and then contact Maureen O’Brien at obrien at duq dot edu prior to the business meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 9 Yolanda Smith (VP/Program Chair-Elect) Kathy Winings

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Papers are ready to read

Don’t forget that you can read many of the papers for REA 2010 before you arrive in Denver. In fact, if you plan to attend a Research Interest Group (RIG) we ask you to please read those papers before the meeting. Check our new Papers page for instructions on how to find these papers!

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Calling all task force chairs

This is a general “shout out” to anyone who’s been involved with chairing a task force. We’re trying to make sure we have rooms for each task force that’s continuing to meet, but we’re not sure we’ve heard from all of you. So: if you’re chairing one, please let Mary Hess (mhess at luthersem dot

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