Brain Matters

neuroscience, creativity, and diversity

REA Annual Meeting 2011

4-6 November, Toronto, Ontario

REA2011 News

  • Scientific American: How “Inadmissible” Brain Scans Can Still Influence the Courts

    Neuroscience can shape ethical and legal discourse, changing the way religious educators engage moral and ethical concerns. Michael Gazzaniga’s Scientific American article details how neurological evidence can affect the outcome of criminal cases even if juries never hear it.

  • Conference includes social networking options

    This year’s conference can be found on various social networks including the Religious Education Association Annual Meeting on Lanyard, a social conference directory and a Twitter site REA2011Meeting and also on Facebook page for Religious Education Association/APPRRE. See the bottom of each conference webpage or the end of each news announcement for easy connections. Each…

  • Biochemical Support for Creativity?

    A Research Article in the Journal of Neuroscience offers evidence in an article titled Biochemical Support for the “Threshold” Theory of Creativity: A Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study

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