Dean Blevins Power Point Presentation
Dean Blevins gave his conference address Friday Nov 4th. Attached is a copy of his conference address. Brain Matters Creativity Dr. Blevins address will be available through the association journal Religious Education
David Hogue Power Point Presentation
David Hogue addressed the conference November 4th. Attached is a copy of the his Power Point in PDF format (thanks to Dr. Hogue for sharing this information). REA – Brain Matters, Practicing Religion, Forming the Faithful In addition Dr. Hogue offered the following resources for future reading Schore, A. N.…
Important Business Meeting Materials
Please view and download the following important meeting materials for the 2011 meeting: Business Meeting Agenda 2010 Meeting Minutes for approval Slate of Nominations to the 2012 Board of Directors 2011 Annual Meeting Evaluation Form 2012 Budget