Brain Matters

neuroscience, creativity, and diversity

REA Annual Meeting 2011

4-6 November, Toronto, Ontario

REA2011 News

  • Paper Proceedings For RIG Presentations now available

    Paper Proceedings for the RIG presentations at the REA 2011 Annual Conference are now available online

  • The End of Evil?

    Reporter Ron Rosenbaum of Slate Magazine/Spectator Section writes: “Is evil over? Has science finally driven a stake through its dark heart? Or at least emptied the word of useful meaning, reduced the notion of a numinous nonmaterial malevolent force to a glitch in a tangled cluster of neurons, the brain?” Read more in the article…

  • Nobel Conference onThe Brain and Being Human Available Online

    Gustavus Adolphus College hosts the Nobel Conference on The Brain and Being Human Oct 2-4 2011. Live streaming of Nobel Conference 47 will begin at approximately 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, October 4, 2011. You may submit questions to the presenters prior to, or during the event. You may also join the discussion on Twitter by including the…

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