Brain Matters

neuroscience, creativity, and diversity

REA Annual Meeting 2011

4-6 November, Toronto, Ontario

REA2011 News

  • Brains R Us added to Conference Resource Page

    Brains R Us describes a series of meetings/videos compiled on The Science Network (sponsored by UC San Diego, Vanderbilt University, The Salk Institute among others) which provides several presentations within the last ten years on brain and learning. TSN offers other challenging presentations including a series on religion and neuroscience titled Beyond Belief.

  • Conference Schedule and Registration Opens!

    The full conference schedule is now available and registration is now open for REA 2011 Toronto.

  • Mary Gordon featured in Greater Good Magazine

    Mary Gordon details the background to Roots of Empathy in an article titled “Wisdom of Babies” in Greater Good magazine which also includes a video clip titled “Meet Baby Mei“

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