Connecting, Disrupting, Transforming

Imagination's Power as the Heart of Religious Education

REA Annual Meeting 2015

6-8 November, Atlanta, Georgia

REA2015 Business Meeting Agenda

The business meeting will take place on Sunday from 12:45 pm to 1:30 pm in Buckhead B. Please read the executive secretary’s report/data, the treasurer’s report, the networking coordinator’s report, the business meeting minutes from last year, and the draft call for papers for 2016 (available on the REA2016 website) prior to the meeting. Please also consult the slate of nominees (located here below the agenda).


I. Opening Remarks, Mai-Anh L. Tran

II. Approval of Agenda

III. Approval of 2014 Business Meeting Minutes

IV. Reports

  • Archivist emeritus, Barney Kathen
  • Treasurer, Kevin Sandberg
  • Executive Secretary, Lucinda Huffaker
  • Religious Education Journal Editors, Jack Seymour, Joyce Mercer
  • Networking Coordinator, Mary Hess
  • Nominations & Forum Restructure, Mai-Anh L. Tran

V. Election of New Board & Committee Members (see slate of nominees below)

VI. 2016 Annual Meeting Bert Roebben

VII. Other Business

  • REA at AAR 2015 Kathy Winings

VIII. Acknowledgments

  • 2015 Program Committee
  • Outgoing Board & Committee Members
  • Journal Editor

IX. Announcements, Mai-Anh L. Tran

X. Adjournment

Here is the report from the nominating committee, containing their proposed slate for election during the business meeting:

* V-P & Program Chair-Elect Mualla Selcuk
* AcademComChair Tony Vrame
AcadComMmbr2 Jennifer Ayres
AcadComMmbr3 Hosffman Ospino
* Public/GlobChair Barbara Morgan
Public/GlobMmbr2 Hyun-Sook Kim
Public/GlobMmbr3 Jose Irizarry
FaithComMmbr2 Marian Plant
FaithComMmbr3 Sarah Tauber
* Proposal SelectionChair Katherine Turpin
* Harper/Wornom Chair Justus Baird (2016)
* Harper/Wornom MEMBER Maureen O’Brien
* Board Member-at-Large Carmichael Crutchfield
PublicationsComMmbr-at-large Deborah Court
* indicates elected Board position